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Answers to some usual questions about Jediism.



What is Jediism?


Jediism is an organized religion, with a faith of original and sincretic believes, that seeks to understand the Living Force and how to become one with it. The Living Force is a supernatural energy, that dwells in all living beings all around the Universe. Jediism offers a philosophical way of life, how to follow the Light while fighting the Darkness. Jedi belive that after dying, one becomes one with the Force and never dies, instead you're transformed in a cosmic energy ("There is no death, but the Force"). Jediism, as any other serious world religion, is exclusive, what means that if you're a Jedi you cannot truly believe or be an active member of any other religion (although some Jedi believes are very similar to those of other world religions). You will have to choose which religious path and philosophy want to follow. You cannot be Christian and Islamist, nor Christian and Buddhist, at the same time (and if you say you're, then you are neither of both). If you're true Jedi, you cannot be Christian, Islamist, Buddhist nor Mormon, for example. Although similar, there are differences between all religions and thier believes. That doesn't mean that you cannot respect, study or value other religions or be friend of believers of other religions. Each religion has something good to taugh to the humans. Take the useful lessons from them and integrate these in your Jedi believes and in your life.


Are you a sect?


If this word means a destructive or a dangerous organization, NO, we are not. We're a true religion, as real as Christianism, Islam, Judaism, Budism, Taoism and other world religions. We don't force anybody to become a member, we don't force anybody to stay in the Order, and we don't persecute nor harass anybody that leaves the Order or choose to change to another religion. Membership is free, and we don't ask for money nor properties from the members. We have several programs and goals where each member freely decide if and how participates in them. Donatives destined to focused objectives of the Order are always welcome, but not compulsory.


Do you believe that Star Wars saga was truth and really existed?


No, we don't.Star Wars saga is science fiction, Jediism is a religion. Of course, we don't deny that we have taken some concepts, ideas and words from this saga, and also that the saga depicts idealized Jedis and some of our believes, but we're not binded by the contain of the films or books, nor we believe that those facts and people really happened or were real. Actual Jedis don't have superpowers. We believe in the Force, we are seekers of the Light and fighters of the Darkness.  No more and no less.


Is it compulsory to use robes or cloakes and carry lightsabers in public?


Robes and cloakes are a traditional outfit of Jedis, but we're not carrying it in the street each day, nor is compulsory or a matter of faith. We just use them in religious ceremonies and in private meetings. Of course, everybody is free to wear them when and where they want. It's not nothing to be ashamed of. Related to "lightsabers", they are a "traditional" weapon of the Jedis and also of a martial art (Jedi swordplay). It's not a laser or plasma weapon like in the films (obviously), but instead a "close combat" blunt weapon like a shinai of Kendo. We carry it when we are going to practice "lightsaber fencing", in religious or knighting ceremonies, but also Jedis can carry it in public as a defensive weapon (subject to the law about weapons or security measures of each country).

How can I become a Jedi Knight?


To begin with, you should contact the Order, then if you fulfill the requisites, you will be a member of a Jedi Academy where you will begin to be taught the arduous path to become a Jedi Knight. You will start as a Youngling or Initiate. Then, after some time, if you pass the Initiate Trials, you will become a Padawan under a Knight or Master. Then, if you pass the Knight Trials, you become a Knight. And afterwards the rank of Master is waiting. This path is difficult, dangerous and long, it takes time and effort, and not everybody will succeed. It's a path that could take many years, easily a decade or two, or even more. Maybe you'll never become one. It's not a course of a few weeks by post and then you get a diploma saying you're a Jedi Knight. It's a real Way of Life, an spiritual path and life-long commintment. Only the bravest, most courageous, skilled, sensitive and faithful will achieve succes. The reward really worths it.

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