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The Jedi are unified by their study of the Force: an "energy field" that emanated from every living thing and being. The force is channeled by microscopic organisms in the bloodstream, "midichlorians". They are in every living thing and communicate with the force. The Jedi seek to understand the Force so that they could use its power to protect and aid the people that they serve. The Jedi believe that the Force could be harnessed through careful study and contemplation to benefit the user and the universe around them. As they study the light side of the Force, the Jedi encourage their members only to use the Force for healing and defense—never in anger or fear. However, several members of the Jedi order throughout history disagreed with this view, believing that darker uses of the Force should be embraced because they offered a quick and easy path to power, while contemplation of the light side of the Force required patience and effort. This disagreement gave rise to the Sith (Dark Jedi), the constant enemy of the Jedi.


The Jedi focuse their lives on understanding and strengthening their connection, or "oneness", with the Force to allow them to manipulate it as an extension of themselves (by contrast, Sith merely exercise control over the Force). This connection is increased by rigorous training and meditation to achieve a state of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual harmony, a kind of inner peace. As the path require such great discipline and may have extended a Jedi's life, most Jedi never reach their true potential. Further attempts to achieve this potential may have met with failure and caused frustration in Jedi, resulting in a lesser connection and more frustration in turn. This is the main reason why the Sith considered themselves stronger than the Jedi, for whereas they were trained to use the dark side with maximum effectiveness and power, few Jedi had shown the true limits of the light side's power and those who have seldom used it.


The dark side of the Force brought with it a great temptation for many Jedi; to many the dark side seemed a quicker and easier path. Pursuit of the dark side, however, was a self-destructive endeavor, and many Jedi who tasted dark powers found it harder and harder to turn away. Though some Jedi could be redeemed back to the path of the light, many fell and became Dark Jedi, some of whom became members of the Sith Order. Further, the pall of the dark side could diminish Jedi ability, clouding their insights into important matters. For these reasons, practice of dark Force powers was and are expressly forbidden by the Jedi Council. Those fallen to the dark side, however, the Jedi tried and try to save. To the Jedi, killing was a last resort. This quality was at once a strength and a weakness of the Order.




The strength of the Jedi Code and organization of the Order rest on the three core tenets of Force, Knowledge, and Self-Discipline.


The first pillar is the Force, the constant between all things. Given purpose by the Force, the Jedi are described as "swimming in the Force in our every moment--breathing it, tasting it, riding its currents to our unique destines." A symbiosis of midi-chlorians and sentient beings is the key needed to be able to touch the Force, but this biological necessity is not a main focus of Jedi study. Instead, Jedi contemplates the will of the Force and the differences between its two aspects: the Unifying and Living Force. When Jedi are guided by the Force, and not by their own ego they tap into a power of human potential that is not otherwise available to anyone.


The Pillar of Knowledge maintains that a Jedi's role in the World could not be filled without intense study and accumulated wisdom. To assist in the pursuit of knowledge, the Temple is equipped with a deep well of knowledge known as the Jedi Archives. In addition to the Archives and supplementary library, the Temple contains several vaults which housed the holocrons of the Order. While an individual could never learn everything within the collection, the presiding Chief Librarian that maintains the collection  argue that it wouldn't hurt to try.Only through knowledge can we combat ignorance. The life of a Jedi should be one of constant learning, constant self-improvement. Through diligent study, a Jedi will broaden their horizons and be able to embrace new facts and ideas.


Lastly, the Pillar of Self-Discipline is rightly known as the Third Pillar. Classes on combat and physical training are not given until mastery of the first two tenets is gained. Once ready to study the art of self-discipline, students were oftentimes disappointed to learn that they would not begin intense lightsaber training, but would be encouraged to take on more stringent forms of meditation. Only after mastering oneself could an Initiate proceed to take up a lightsaber for the first time.Jedi do not seek to control others, but instead seek to master themselves. Part of self-discipline is personal responsibility. Ultimately you are responsible for your own fate, determined by the decisions you have made in the circumstances you find yourself in. A Jedi does not blame others for shortcomings and failures, and uses such setbacks as a learning experience




There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.


  • There is no emotion, there is peace

Emotions are a natural part of life. As the great sagas have shown us, the Jedi are not immune to feeling emotions. This belief says that emotions do not exist but should be put aside. Emotions must be understood first, and it is the duty of a young Jedi to explore their feelings. Unless a Jedi can confront their feelings and thoughts, never reach peace. Emotions, then, they will not be denied, but understood. Jedi must fight negative emotions (anger, fear, hate, etc) to reach the peace. 


• There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
A Jedi must be insightful and try to understand the world around him. Ignorance is a part of life, but should not be feared. For more knowledge to light their way, the Jedi Temple archives contain possibly the greatest source of information in the World, but this principle also reminds the Jedi that knowdlege can come from the most unusual places. This principle is what gives the Jedi his open mind and the ability to accept things that others would consider inconceivable, whose minds are controlled by rigid thinking and doubt. In other words, this principle states that often a Jedi must use not only his rational mind but also your intuitive mind to find the truth of a situation. This principle is embodied in the statements that a Jedi has to "feel and not think" and a "A Jedi knows the difference between knowledge and wisdom."

• There is no passion, there is serenity
This principle is more than a repetition of the first. It relates more directly to situations of extreme stress in which a Jedi might be tempted to react strongly, or focus on the task and not the goal. That a Jedi must draw his weapon in self-defense or defense of others is an expression of this principle, since the Jedi must keep all options open. While emotions and intuition must be understood and used in the daily life of a Jedi, they must be controlled so that the Jedi do not act rashly and lose objectivity. Passionate use of power leads to the dark side. A Jedi must always act with a calm hand and calm temperament, observing each situation as clearly as you see the Force, preventing tarnish your opinion with unbridled passion.

• There is no chaos, there is harmony
This provision reflects the cosmology of the Jedi Order, who believe that the uninitiated beings see the universe as a chaotic and disconnected place. A Jedi realizes that all things are interconnected and, more importantly, they are interdependent, in an endless cycle of balance. While a non initiated see the pain and tragedy in the workings of the universe, through the Force, a Jedi is able to interpret and understand even the most painful events of life. Each event has a purpose, for example: "Death is a natural part of life." Minor inconveniences such as failure, disappointment and disagreement are also inevitable and should be taken in stride. The Jedi do not deny the fact that tragic and terrible things happen; just say the tragedy is simply another part of life. This also leads to a realistic, balanced and objective view of existence.

• There is no death, there is the Force
A Jedi should always be prepared for death and not obsess or be ruled by it. As a warrior not only in combat but also in everyday life, it is easy to fail and fall, then get up without distraction. Without death, life could not exist. The Force in us still lives after we die. This principle represents the vision of the Jedi by accepting death and life, corruption and purity, not as opposites but as two pairs, as one can not exist without the other. As such, a Jedi does not fear death. After all, should celebrate it to celebrate life. This principle is often quoted after the death of a Jedi, sometimes referring to become one with the Force, or even live forever as a spirit of the Force. This principle also reminds Jedi that death is a transition state for any living being and not really an end to life but only the beginning of the next stage of their journey. Through the Force, the existence remains in a constant state of connection to all living things.




Jedi are guardians of peace in the World.
Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others.
Jedi respect all life, in any form.
Jedi serve others rather than rule over them, for the good of the World.
Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.




1. As Jedi, we are in touch with the Living Force flowing through and around us, as well as being spiritually aware of the Force. Jedi are trained to become sensitive to the Force's energy, fluctuations, and disturbances.

2. Jedi live and focus on the present; we must neither dwell on the past nor be overly concerned about the future. As the mind wanders, focusing on the present is a task not easily attained, for the mind is not content with the eternal present moment. As Jedi, we must release our stress and ease our minds.

3. Jedi must maintain a clear mind; this is achieved through meditation and contemplation. Our minds can become cluttered and infected by forces and attitudes that we encounter every day, and must be purged of these unnecessary elements on a daily basis.

4. As Jedi, we are mindful of our thoughts... we focus our thoughts on the positive. The positive energy of the force is healthy for the mind, body and spirit.

5. As Jedi, we trust and use our feelings. We are intuitive, more so than others and with this heightened intuition we become more spiritually evolved as our minds become more harmonious with the Force and its influences.

6. Jedi are patient. Patience is elusive but can be consciously developed over time.

7. Jedi are mindful of the negative emotions which lead to the Dark Side: Anger, Fear, Aggression, and Hate. If we sense these emotions manifesting within ourselves, we must meditate on the Jedi Code and focus on purging these destructive emotions.

8. Jedi understand that physical training is as important as training the mind and the spirit. We understand that all aspects of training are necessary to maintain the Jedi way of life and to perform the duties of a Jedi.

9. Jedi protect the peace. We are warriors of peace, and are not ones to use force to resolve a conflict; it is through peace, understanding and harmony that conflicts resolve.

10. Jedi believe in Destiny and trust in the will of the Living Force. We accept the fact that what seems to be random events are not random at all, but the design of the Living Force of Creation. Each living creature has a purpose, understanding that purpose comes with a deep awareness of the Force. Even things that happen which seem negative have a purpose, though that purpose is not easy to see.

11. Jedi must let go of obsessive attachment, both material and personal. The obsession over possessions creates the fear of loosing those possessions, which can lead to the Dark Side.

12. Jedi believe in eternal life. We do not become obsessed in mourning those who pass. Grieve as you will but take heart, for the soul and spirit continue in the netherworld of the Living Force.

13. Jedi use the Force only when it is necessary. We do not apply our abilities or powers to boast or be prideful. We use the Force for knowledge, and exercise wisdom and humility in doing so, for humility is a trait all Jedi must embody.

14. We as Jedi believe that love and compassion are central to our lives. We must love each other as we love ourselves; by doing this, we envelope all life in the positive energy of the Force.

15. Jedi are guardians of peace and justice. We believe in finding peaceful solutions to problems, gifted as we are we remain negotiators of the utmost ability. We never negotiate out of fear, but never fear to negotiate. We embrace justice, protecting and preserving the fundamental rights of all living creatures. Empathy and compassion are vital to us; it allows us to comprehend the wounds caused by injustice.

16. We as Jedi make a commitment to, and are loyal to the Jedi Faith. The ideals, philosophies, and practices of the Jedi define the belief of Jediism, and we take action on this path for self-improvement, and to help others. We are both the witnesses and protectors of the Jedi way by the practice of our Faith.




Jedi Religion is a very non-dogmatic religion.  As such, there are just a few rules that can be expected to be followed by all believers.


1. Jedi believe in the Living Force.

Jedi believe in an invisible universal energy called ‘the Force’, also known as the 'Living Force', the 'good side', or the 'light side'. The Force is a living spiritual presence that surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds all the matter in the universe together. The Force is the soul of all living things; it exists everywhere. Jedi believe that Force allows people to have free will and choice, but that Destiny also plays a part in their lives.

2. Jedi believe that there is a dark side but refuse to dwell on it.

Jedi believe that the dark side exists, but refuse to dwell on it, or follow it, or use it in any way. The dark side is a negative energy, also known as the ‘negative power’ or ‘dark energy’. The dark side is considered to be evil, negative, the opposite of good, and is never to be followed or used by the Jedi.

3. Jedi serve the Living Force.

Jedi serve the Living Force and never serve the dark side, in any way, shape or form. Jedi are serious about their service to the Force, and are not thrill seekers or adventure seekers. They are serious about following the Jedi teachings in their own lives, because the Jedi teachings lead to personal growth, and help them to be conscious of their connection to the Living Force, which is within.

4. Certain Jedi are stronger with the Force than others.

Jedi, in general, are individuals who are strong with the Force. The Force is with them. However, the Jedi believe that the Force is extra strong in certain Jedi, much more so than in others.

5. Jedi live in the present moment.

Jedi live in the here and now, and don't have stress about the future or the past. This isn't as easy as it might seem because the mind always rushes to the future or past. Contact with the Living Force always occurs in the present moment. The mind is our tool, and we need to stop the incessant thinking and mental chatter that comes from the mind in order to be conscious of the present moment, and to live in the present moment. We need to control the mind, and not let the mind control us.

6. Jedi can feel the Force.

Jedi are Force sensitive people, and are experts at feeling energy. Our senses and our scattered minds can block us from feeling the Force, but it's always there. Jedi are equally sensitive to dark energy or negative energy, and know how to avoid it and to protect themselves from it.

7. Jedi trust their feelings or intuitions.

Jedi are a 'feeling people' and believe in using and trusting their feelings and intuition. Jedi are intuitive and are in touch with the core of their being.

8. Jedi practice meditation to achieve a calm mind.

Meditation is clearly a part of the Jedi lifestyle. Jedi believe that a calm mind can be achieved through meditation and contemplation. Jedi need to meditate often in order to clear their minds. Our minds, like sponges, get contaminated from the world, and need to be cleaned out daily. We even absorb things from those who are around us, and from our environments, the food we eat, etc. so it's important to keep a calm, focused, clear mind and to meditate daily.

9. Jedi practice awareness and are mindful of their thoughts.

Jedi believe in practicing awareness and are mindful of their thoughts. Jedi keep their thoughts positive. A positive mental attitude is healthy for both the mind and body. Not every thought that 'pops' into our head is actually ours, since thoughts can originate from many sources across the Universe, and not just from our physical brain. We have to be able to discern the thoughts and remove the bad ones or negative, fear-based ones. We must always be mindful of our thoughts.

10. Jedi have patience.

Jedi choose to act with patience, and not to react with anger.

11. Jedi protect and defend the helpless.

Jedi try to protect others if possible. Jedi are peaceful warriors. Jedi are also aware that being prepared and trained gives them the advantage if they do have to protect themselves and others. Most Jedi know at least one form of martial arts or self-defense.

12. Jedi avoid acting on dark side emotions like fear, anger, aggression and hate.

We can't control which emotions we will feel, but we can always choose to control our actions. We might feel anger from time to time, but we don't have to act on that feeling of anger or rage.

13. Jedi stay physically fit for many reasons.

Jedi stay physically fit in order to accomplish their mission in life. Fitness is a part of Jedi philosophy, but the level of fitness depends on the individual. Fitness effects your mental health and over-all well being.

14. Lightsaber dueling is the Jedi's sport of choice.

Jedi duel with lightsaber replicas to practice living in the present moment. It’s hard to think about the past or the future if you are dueling with a lightsaber! Lightsaber practice actually has a multitude of benefits. Dueling helps improve a Jedi’s coordination, flexibility, and balance because when dueling with a lightsaber, it becomes an extension of you. It’s a good form of cardiovascular exercise too.

15. Jedi believe in destiny.

Jedi don't believe in coincidences. Jedi trust in the will of the Force and accept the fact that nothing happens by accident. Jedi believe in Destiny, and that there is some method to what happens in the Universe. Things happen when they are meant to happen; there is perfection; nothing happens by accident. There is a 'soul-plan' for every person, but it's hard to understand these things from our level.

16. Jedi believe in 'letting go' of their attachments.

Jedi work on 'letting go' of their attachments and train themselves on this. The fear of loss of one's attachments leads to the dark side, so a 'letting go' and 'trusting in the will of the Force' attitude needs to be developed gradually to overcome this fear of loss. Everything really belongs to the Force anyhow, so we need to trust the Force, and not be so attached to people and possessions.

17. Jedi believe in life after death.

Jedi believe that the soul survives death. Jedi do not obsessively mourn those who pass. There will always be some mourning, and missing of that person, which is only natural. But Jedi avoid the extremes of mourning that can be so debilitating, negative, and destructive. Jedi trust the Force to take care of our departed loved ones and 'let go'.

18. Jedi use the Force for good works.

Jedi have special powers and are encouraged to learn the ways of the Force, and to use the Force, but only for good works like training, defense, knowledge, and helping others who are in need

19. Jedi have compassion.

Compassion is central to a Jedi's life. We need to have love and compassion for ourselves first and foremost, and then let that compassion gravitate outwards to the whole creation.

20. Jedi believe in peace and justice.

Jedi are the guardians of peace and justice, so we certainly believe in promoting them. Jedi deeply believe in finding peaceful solutions to problems if possible. Jedi are expert negotiators, and try to solve problems without fighting. Jedi embrace justice, which means protecting and preserving the basic rights of others. Empathy is important too, because without it, Jedi can't understand how others feel when they are injured by injustice.

21. Jedi are humble, and believe that they can always work on improving themselves.

Jedi are against being arrogant and consider arrogance to be a flaw.  Jedi embrace humility, and do not consider themselves better than others. Jedi don't claim to know it all, and humbly believe in training and in personal growth.

22. Jedi believe in service to others, and are selfless.

The path of the Jedi teaches us the importance of service. There is a lot of joy in serving others, and the Jedi believe in volunteerism and in service. Why? Because that’s the way of the Force; the Force is always giving, giving, giving without expecting anything back in return. The Jedi are like this too. Some of the practical benefits of serving others include diminishing egotistical thinking, removing energy blockages, increasing positive energy flow, and re-connecting us with other human beings.

23. Jedi are devoted to their mission in life.

Jedi are devoted to accomplishing their mission in life. Sometimes this requires great discipline, sacrifice, incredible focus, patience, inner strength, and a strong sense of duty for accomplishing the mission. But first, a Jedi must determine what his/her mission will be by deep soul searching and meditation. You determine and choose what your mission will be; you decide it for yourself. Then you prioritize or decide how important it is for you to accomplish your mission.

24. Jedi are always mindful of the Force.

Our satisfaction comes from our personal connection to the Living Force; material things, fame and wealth don't bring lasting peace, happiness, and satisfaction. Only our daily, and conscious connection to the Living Force brings lasting peace and happiness. If we lose the awareness of our connection to the Force, then we slowly lose our happiness.

25. Jedi work for mutual advantage or Symbiosis.

Jedi try to live in harmony with those around them, and believe in mutual trust and respect.

26. Jedi believe in the law of attraction.

Jedi believe in the law of attraction which is basically this: whatever you ask for, and firmly believe, you will receive. The Force will bring us whatever we continue to think about, even if we are unconscious of it. This makes it extremely important to always be aware and mindful about what we are thinking about, and what we are asking for.

27. Jedi believe in democracy.

Jedi firmly believe in democracy, and will fight oppresive governments that destroys liberties and violate human rights .

28. Jedi believe that they need to bring balance to the Force within.

Jedi believe that they need to bring balance to the Force within, and not wait around for a Chosen One to do it. If our minds are negative, then the Force flowing through us will seem negative too; our consciousness will seem negative and dark. If our minds are clear and wholesome, then the Force flowing through us will be clear and natural; we will be full of goodness and light. Jedi are responsible for balancing their own minds, so that their minds are clear, good, positive, wholesome, and stay on the light side; this will serve "to bring balance to the Force" within us so that the light side is dominant.

29. Jedi train on Oneness or union with the Living Force.

The highest purpose of life is to train on becoming One with the Living Force. This is considered "Immortality". Religions call it by different names like Enlightenment, Self-Realization, or God-Realization, but it's the same thing.

30. Jedi believe in and are a part of the Jedi Order.

The  'Jedi Path' is a religion. The pure and true meaning of the word religion comes from the Latin word “religio” which was derived from the Latin word “re-ligare” or “to reconnect.” The purpose of the Jedi teachings were “to reconnect” a Jedi to the Force. Actually, we are always connected to the Force, but we have lost our conscious awareness of this connection.

31. Jedi can see the future through the Force.

Through the Force, Jedi can see both near term and long-term future events. Future seeing abilities are sometimes a result of meditation.

32. Jedi can feel disturbances in the Force.

If Jedi are mindful and are consciously connected to the Force, they can feel disturbances in the Force. Feeling Force disturbances usually happen after there has been some type of disaster, and/or a loss of life.

33. Jedi have a keen sense of humor.

Jedi are serious people, but they don't take themselves too seriously. Jedi like to make people smile and laugh, especially in bad situations.





The goal of peace


Jedi work for peace, both within and without. While we are all human, and all have emotions, we use meditation and study to know when we are working from a basis of emotion, and when we are working from a basis of right action.

The goal of knowledge

Particularly when combined with the previous goal, this makes the Jedi sound like "robots": heartless, emotionless calculating machines. Tha's not truth. The Jedi trusts in the Force, but the Force helps those who first help themselves. A Jedi seeks to know all that is knowable, and to apply that knowledge in any situation. Instead of acting from emotion, the Jedi acts from knowledge, always with humility.

The goal of serenity


Again reminds against acting from a basis of emotion, before knowledge is achieved. Everyone has strong feelings, but the Jedi learns to take a step back from any situation in which strong feelings are impelling towards eager action, and consider what the right action is, instead.

The goal of harmony

The Jedi seeks for harmony, both within and without. If a Jedi feels chaos within, it is hard to work for harmony without. If a Jedi is calm and at harmony, that is apparent in actions, and spreads to those around. Jedi seek to build communities.


Proceding from the Goals inherent in the Code, there are the following duties:

The Duty of Discipline

The only true discipline is self-discipline. It is not when we see the Jedi Code as an imposition that we succeed in being Jedi, but when we accept it as the ideal to which to aspire. It is not when we see meditation as an imposition on our time that we perform it, but when we see it as a joy.

We can not set aside the reactions our emotions propell us to if we are not disciplined in ourselves. We can not disregard the promptings of passion if we have not built our will to do so. We can not get knowledge if we have not studied.

By means of discipline, we can set aside overconfidence, and have a true knowledge of our own capabilities. By means of discipline, we can set aside defeatism, and know that we can accomplish. By means of discipline, we can set aside arrogance, set aside stubornness, set aside all that stands between us and accomplishing good in the World.

The Duty of Responsibility

When we have accepted discipline, we can accept responsiblity. Jedi must accept responsiblity for their own actions. When we have approached a situation without aggression and with knowledge, we may act rightly. Sometimes, even right action has unforseen consequences. The Jedi accepts responsibility for the consequences of all action, and endevors to set things right.

This does not mean that the Jedi, fueled by a belief in what is right, may disregard laws. Jedi are not above the law. If a situation means that the Jedi must break the law, one of the consequences of that action is facing the penalty imposed by the law -- this is taking responsiblity for your actions.

It is far more responsible to work within the law to resolve injustice than to break the law. It is far more responsible to create harmony than to create discord. The Jedi seeks to create community; within community, each cares for the other.

The Duty of Service

Jedi defend the defenseless, help the helpless, and bring hope to the hopeless. This is service to others, and service to the self. This does not mean that the Jedi must be a super-human. Help may be rendered on many scales, and the Jedi must select the scale which is appropriate to the situation and to the means of the Jedi.

When we stop to help another change a tire on the road, this is service. When we contact the news media to report injustice, this is service. Though the popular conception of the Jedi is of the knight with a lightsaber, the knight who must ignite the saber has already failed. It is more responsible to build than to destroy; more disciplined to accept that the direct and easy path may not be the correct path. The Dark side of the Force is powerful and an enticement,  because it is easier and quicker than the way of the Light. Beware the Dark Reverse of the Force!

A Jedi is a mediator, building harmony between opposing sides. A Jedi does not seek to impose a solution, but to build one by consensus

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